Uprise Radio - Episode 4 - China as Bogeyman, White Nationalism and Chinese Stereotypes | 3CR Community Radio

Uprise Radio - Episode 4 - China as Bogeyman, White Nationalism and Chinese Stereotypes

Wednesday, 6 November 2019 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Chinese students in Australia making their voices heard

Chinese students in Australia making their voices heard (SMH)

China is at the centre of Episodes 3 and 4 of Uprise Radio. While fierce street protests calling for increased personal freedoms continue to rock Hong Kong, Beijing and Mainland China remains a closely controlled country with a growing global influence. Fear of all-things China (Sinophobia) is on the rise in Australia, with commentators across the political divide concerned about our place in the global order as the traditional ally of the US becomes less powerful and predictable at the same time.

Episode 4 focuses on the stereotypes of Chinese people living in Australia often trotted out by the mainstream media. As the Hong Kong protests continue and Chinese students in Australia take to local streets to voice their political opinions, the image of the 'brainwashed' mainlander is common.  But what role does Australians' own entrenched ideas - ideas of white settler-colonialists - play in their creation of the other?

Jackson and James are joined by PHD-candidate and writer Shan Windscript to talk about the impact nascent white nationalism has on Australia's attitute towards Chinese students. Also discussed is the political awareness of Chinese nationals and future opportunties for collaboration to build a better world in both countires. Shan's recent writing can be found in Made in China Journal.(link is external)  Featuring music from NAS, Tears for Fears and Gang of Four and audio from Southpark. 

Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A radical current affairs program providing a critical analysis of a topic in the news cycle that deserves closer inspection.


James Brennan & Mercedes Zanker.
