Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous - Abbie and Joan

Thursday, 23 January 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Food Addicts

Abbie grew up in a large family with parents affected by trauma. Her early life was tough and school was a respite from the emotional upheaval occurring at home.  Food became an issue in High School and her reaction was to use it to overcome her fear and anxiety. From Abbie’s late teens her food obsession caused her problems in life, eventually leading to suicidal feelings and reaching out for help. She found 12th Step programs that helped her cope at least for a while. Eventually Abbie heard about Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) and she met others coping with her seemingly insurmountable problem with sugar and flour products. Initially scared of the disciple involved Abbie was eventually able to overcome her obsession with food and develop a normal attitude to eating and living again.

Joan was a sensitive youngest child, felt anxious and self-conscious, and eventually started using her food and eating to get attention. In High School she lost control of her eating, started to gain weight and suffer mood swings.  It wasn’t till she was married and expecting her first child that she could no longer live with how her eating had affected her life.  FA helped Joan to find the solution to her food obsession, get some structure into her life, swap vanity for sanity and enjoy her family relationships.

If you’re experiencing difficulties in life as a result of your relationship to food and eating then Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous could help you. Give them a call on 1800 717 446, email them at or see their website

Living Free
Thursday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Talk on substance misuse, alcoholism and other addictions. Information on support groups is given.


The Living Free Crew
