Uprise Radio - Episode 11 - Subscriber Drive and Staying Alive - The Radical History and Present of 3CR | 3CR Community Radio

Uprise Radio - Episode 11 - Subscriber Drive and Staying Alive - The Radical History and Present of 3CR

Wednesday, 19 February 2020 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
3CR - Naarm's Home of Activism

3CR - Naarm's Home of Activism

Join Jackson and James for a discussion of the stations radical history and radical present. We speak with subsctibers, listeners and some staff to get an insight into the role 3CR plays in the activist community of so-called Melbourne. 

Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A radical current affairs program providing a critical analysis of a topic in the news cycle that deserves closer inspection.


James Brennan & Mercedes Zanker.
