Louise grew up in a small loving family and had no issues in her early life except a fondness for food. She felt like a bit of an outsider but appeared to fit in and was very distracted around food. Louise pinched food, and money to buy food as a child and her eating became particularly problematic when she started work, left home and got a car.
Eventually, food dominated her life and looking for help she contacted Overeaters Anonymous (OA) and found that she wasn’t terminally unique – there were plenty of other problem eaters out in the world. Now her life is much better, she loves sharing her experience with others and has developed a much saner relationship with food and eating.
If you’re experiencing difficulties in life as a result of your relationship to food and eating then Overeaters Anonymous could help you. Email them at oa.melb@gmail.com or see their website oa.org.au/meetings.
The Living Free Crew