Biolela family update, Autism month, the Commons Library, Policing of coronavirus restrictions | 3CR Community Radio

Biolela family update, Autism month, the Commons Library, Policing of coronavirus restrictions

Monday, 27 April 2020 - 7:00am to 8:30am

7:00am Acknowledgement of Country

7:10am Ella speaks with Aran Mylvaganam, a founding member of the Tamil Refugee Council, to get an update on the court proceedings for the Biolela family of four, Priya, Nades, Kopika and Tharunicaa, who are currently being held by immigration on Christmas island and have been fighting for their right to remain in Australia.


7:30am In the first segment of a two-part interview recorded during Autism Month, Claudia speaks with La Trobe University PhD candidate and neurodiversity activist Beth Radulski. Beth explains some of the misconceptions about autism, the existence of autistic stereotypes such as the genius/savant, and the idea of autism as a different neurotype rather than something measured against a normative standard of neurotypicality. She also shares her own lived experience as an autistic person and how coming out has contributed to greater acceptance and accessibility in the workplace.

7:50am Paddy speaks to Holly Hammond, the director of the Commons Library, the online, social change library https://commonslibrary.org/(link is external). Holly tells us what the library provides and how we can use the resources to pursue a just future.

8:05am The show revisits a segment from Done by Law (https://www.3cr.org.au/donebylaw) concerning policing of the coronavirus restrictions, particularly about the protestors who were fined for their participation in a car convey rally supporting the refugees at the Mantra Hotel.


Pull up the people by MIA

On My Mind by Sydney pianist and composer Melany Thompson

Bloom by Ngaire

Amazing Gracing by Dr G Yunipingu ft Paul Kelly