- We hear from Bernard Collaery who was featured on a recent Search Foundation webinaire. Bernard gave Solidarity Breakfast an interview about his book Oil Under Troubled Waters - Australia's Timor Sea Intrigue. It's published by Melbourne University Press and is available throught the New International Bookshop.This time Bernard had just come back from the secret court hearings being held in Canberra where he is being tried for revealing information the Federal Government deems to be against Australia's security interests. This discussion has some fascinating background to Australia's foreign affairs role in our region and gives a first hand account of the tremulous moment Australia's democracy is in at this moment.
- We hear from Helen Haines, independent member for Indi, about the very recent attempt by the crossbench to force the issue of a Federal ICAC bill to root out corruption at a Federal government level. The Federal Government fell back on a gag order to stop proceedings.
- Kevin will give us an incisive round up of the week
- We finish with a call for the release of seven West Papuan's threated with up to 17 years jail by the Indonesians for treason-related charges after their involvement in protests condemning racism last August.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi