Victorian Biodiversity Conference, and toxicity detecting spinach

Thursday, 4 February 2021 - 8:30am to 9:00am

Welcome back for the first new show of 2021! This week on the show Stu shares some of the science stories that were keeping him interested over the summer period including fascinating research that shows how scientists have engineered spinach that email us if toxic chemicals turn up in the soil. Also this week Claire speaks to Elodie Camprasse and Cassie Speakman about their research and the Victorian Biodiversity Conference.

Claire, Chris & Stu
Thursday 8:30am to 9:00am
Entertaining news and discussion about research that has impact on society and providing a wide range of science and technology news. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Chris Lassig, Stuart Burns and Claire Farrugia and others.
