VACCHO: Royal Commission into Vic Mental Health System, Transphobia at University of Melbourne, Camp Errinundra, GetUp! Protect Sacred Sites, Djed Press

Thursday, 4 March 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am
GetUp! campaign image 'Urgent Moratorium to protect sacred sites'

Acknowledgement of country


News headlines


Jill Gallagher, CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation speaks to Carly about the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. The final report, released on Tuesday, highlights the catastrophic failures of the mental health system in Victoria. Jill speaks about VACCHO's hopes post-Royal Commission to establish two co-designed healing centres, as well as hopes to create more culturally appropriate and family-oriented health services.


Amelia Bright, University of Melbourne Student Union Queer Office Bearer, speaks about the recent escalation of transphobia at the University of Melbourne and how students and staff are fighting back against it to create a campus where everyone feels safe.


Chris Schuringa from the Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) joins us to give an update about Camp Errinundra - a blockade halting forest logging in East Gippsland. 


Larissa Baldwin is a Widjabul woman from the Bundjalung Nations and GetUp’s First Nations Justice Campaign Director. Larissa joins us to discuss Get Up's petition calling for an 'Urgent Moratorium to protect sacred sites' in response to mining giant BHP's irreparable damage to a Banjima sacred site in the Pilbara in so-called Western Australia.


Hella Ibrahim, founder and editorial director of Djed Press, joins us to talk about Djed's editorial mentorship and featured writers programs, which will open for application soon,  as well as their Bla(C)K speculative fiction anthology.



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