Setting Sun & Why did she have to tell the world?

Thursday, 11 March 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Phillis Papps & Francesca Curtis - Why did she have to tell the world?

Today we are catching up with Anna Bourozikas from the Setting Sun Film Festival.  We follow up with a chat with Bonny Scott, producer of the short doc Why did she have to tell the world? showing this Saturday March 13th and the following Friday at Nova as part of the Melbourne Queer Film Festival and also on TV on Sunday March 14 on ABC's Compass programme. 

Thursday 11:00am to 11:30am
Your half hour of local film news, conversations with film makers and explorations into how they bring their ideas to life on screen. Showreel promises an exciting package of film information that will set your ears buzzing.


Annie McLoughlin
