Uprise Radio - Episode 40 - Are Australia's military too "woke"? Reflecting on the SAS Afghan War crimes and the spate of soldier suicides | 3CR Community Radio

Uprise Radio - Episode 40 - Are Australia's military too "woke"? Reflecting on the SAS Afghan War crimes and the spate of soldier suicides

Wednesday, 7 April 2021 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm

With Scotty from Marketing recently annoucing a commission into the terrible mental health of soldiers, and new Minister for Defence Peter Dutton complainging the defence forces have come to be too "woke" Jackson and James analyse the defence industry and it's inevitable outcomes. 

Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A radical current affairs program providing a critical analysis of a topic in the news cycle that deserves closer inspection.


James Brennan & Mercedes Zanker.
