Voices from Gaza || Presidential Elections in Peru

Friday, 11 June 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Featuring the latest in activist campaigns and struggles against oppression fighting for a better world with anti-capitalist analysis on current affairs and international politics. 

Presenters: Jacob Andrewartha & Zane Alcorn


MUA Sydney branch supports Extinction Rebellion blockade of fuel import terminal

"Home to Biloela" campaign ramps up with petitions gaining huge numbers of signatures and rallies organised in major cities after Australian born toddler Tharunicaa medically evacuated to Perth with her mother Priya, after untreated pneumonia developed into life threatening sepsis. Racist prison camp staff repeatedly denied Tharunicaa access to the Christmas Island hospital over a ten 10 period despite symptoms including severe vomiting, diarrhea and a temperature as high as 40 degrees. Activists are campaigning for the family to be released from Australia's draconian concentration camp system and returned to the Queensland town of Biloela where they had been living.

Calls mount for Australia to agree to covid 19 patent waiver. A rally held at the offoces of the Department of Foreign Affairs and trade handed over a petition signed by 50,000 people calling for Australia to support the waiver. The petition and rally were organised by a coalition including Australian Fair trade and Investment Network (AFTINET), Amnesty International Australia, GetUp!, NSW Nurses and Midwives Association, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, Public Services International and the Humanism Project

Victorian Greens Leader Sam Ratnam announced as a speaker at upcoming Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS) "Victorian Political Training Seminar". The announcement is disappointing as AUJS is, and always has been, an openly Zionist Group dedicated to sanitising and promoting the actions of the Israeli state, most recently helping organise a pro Israel rally on May 23 while the bodies of Palestinians were still being pulled from the rubble in Gaza. By attending the event Ratnam and the Victorian Greens legitimise zionist ideologues and cheapen and undermine the solidarity work of Greens activists and MPs past and present - like Senators Janet Rice and Mehreen Faruqi and former senator Lee Rhiannon - at a time when such solidarity is crucial and needs to be heard loud, clear and united across the globe.

Interviews and Discussions

Recording of Haider Eid, a lecturer at the Al Aqsa university in Gaza, from the recent Green Left Forum "Why Israel is an apartheid state". Eid is the author ot the book "Countering the Palestinian Nakba: One state for all" and argues that the only way to find an enduring solution to the Palestinian question is for Palestiniants to be able to vote in elections for the government that effectively contrals Palestine - i.e. Israel. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign and other forms of international pressure and solidarity will be crucial in helping Palestinians win an end to their subjugation at the hands of an apartheid state. You can listen to the individual talk here.

Jacob and Zane speak with Sydney based community solidarity activist Leonor Luna-Zamora about the Peruvian elections which have seen socialist candidate Pedro Castillo win by a narrow margin against far right candidate Keiko Fujimori. The states are high for Fujimori who faces possible imprisonment if she loses in relation to corruption charges and involvement in extrajudicial killings that occurred when her father was president of Peru from 1990-2000. You can listen to the individual interview here.



Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Radio Collective
