Uprise Radio - Episode 47: Save the Nicholas Building | 3CR Community Radio

Uprise Radio - Episode 47: Save the Nicholas Building

Wednesday, 21 July 2021 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm

We are joined by conceptual artist, theorist and spokesperson for the Nicholas Building Association, Dario Vacirca, to hear about the campaign to Save the Nicholas Building from sale and potential development, and to ensure that it remains a space for artists, galleries, art-adjacent businesses and the creative soul of the CBD. 

Presented by James Brennan, Jackson McInerney and Mercedes Zanker with special guest, Dario Vacirca

Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A radical current affairs program providing a critical analysis of a topic in the news cycle that deserves closer inspection.


James Brennan & Mercedes Zanker.
