Unfinished Business | 3CR Community Radio

Unfinished Business

Monday, 6 September 2021 - 11:00am
Kutcha Edwards and the late Gilla McGuinness live at Port Phillip Prison 2012

Kutcha Edwards and the late Gilla McGuinness live at Port Phillip Prison 2012

“There is no space to grieve in jail ...” When loved ones die on the “outside”, those left on the “inside” endure prison despite their grief. In this episode of “20 Years on the Inside”, Kutcha and Vickie speak about the pain of losing family and community members when imprisoned and the agony of being unable to fulfil cultural obligations.


This episode not only looks at the pain associated with grief and mourning, but also with drug addiction, and how prisons only prolong the pain. We hear from mob on the inside about their stories of grief and addiction, and Vickie shares her own experiences with unfinished drug habits and the ongoing pain and injustice prisoners continue to face when they’re on the “outside”.


In today’s episode, we hear from Clarky, Fuddy Junior, Al Boy, James, Kathleen and Poss in prisons across Victoria and “Beyond the Bars” broadcasters Gilla McGuinness, Ross Morgan and Shiralee Hood.

20 Years on the Inside with Vickie and Kutcha

20 Years on the Inside with Vickie and Kutcha

Monday 12:00pm to 1:00pm
A podcast series hosted by Vickie Roach and Kutcha Edwards reflecting on 20 years of the Beyond the Bars prison radio broadcasts.


Vickie Roach and Kutcha Edwards



Life beyond the bars

4 Oct 2021
In this final episode, Vickie and Kutcha explore the ideas and dreams of those on the inside for their lives on the outside. Dreams of making a difference, and ideas of contributing to their community and building a better future for the generations of Aboriginal people to come. Visions of steering the younger generation in the right direction, and hopes of supporting the older generation through reconnection with culture.

Listen to the lived experience of systemic institutionalisation

27 Sep 2021
Today’s episode is about listening to the depth of insight into the impacts of prisons on prisoners themselves. Who better to really listen to than those directly experiencing the failures of the system? Yet their voices seem to fall on deaf ears.

The daily grind

20 Sep 2021
On today’s show Kutcha and Vickie hear from the men and women on the “inside” about the daily grind. Life and work on the “inside”. We listen to the brothers and sisters who are living the grind day in, day out, and try to understand just what this system is doing to our people.

The Aboriginal spirit is strong and ever-present

13 Sep 2021
In this episode, Kutcha and Vickie explore how inmates find creative expression, engage in the healing process and learn about culture while on the “inside”. Vickie shares how she found moments of peace during her time in prison through her creativity, daydreaming, writing and strengthening her spiritual connections.