Fighting Ongoing Destruction on Murujuga, Chronic Illness and Long COVID, Changes to Local Council Aged Care Services, Direct Action for Climate with Blockade Australia, Science Backs End to Native Forest Logging

Thursday, 10 February 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am
A photograph of a Victorian native forest landscape taken on a bright, sunny day. Tall trees are interspersed with shorter shrubs and ferns, and a blue sky with light clouds is visible between the trees.


Acknowledgement of Country//




Josie Alec is a Kuruma Marduthunera custodian from the Pilbara, Western Australia. Josie joined Rosie earlier this week to speak about the ongoing destruction of rock art and country on Murujuga/The Burrup Peninsula and the Federal Government's recent announcement of a $255 million dollar loan to support the development of the Perdaman Urea Plant on sacred country.//


Asher Wolf, activist, freelance columnist and general rabble-rouser, speaks with us about the lack of recognition of and support for chronic illnesses such as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and how this intersects with growing awareness of long COVID. Find out more about current disability justice issues through People with Disability Australia and Women with Disability Australia, and support the grassroots organising of Disability Justice Network.//


Debra Nicholl is the Programs Manager at Elder Rights Advocacy. Following the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety 2018 - 2021, the Federal Government is transitioning to a different model of service provision. Debra speaks about recent local council changes to home aged and disability care services, and what these changes mean for service users, workers, and the aged care sector.//


We are joined by Sasha and Greg from Blockade Australia to speak about climate activism and strategic nonviolent resistance to the colonial extraction project called Australia. Sasha has been doing climate, anti-war and human rights activism for the last 3 years. Sasha found her niche in supporting direct action and has been arrested for the cause as well. Greg is a full time supporter of frontline nonviolent direct action.//


David Lindenmayer is Professor at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at ANU. He is an expert in forest ecology and resource management, conservation science, and biodiversity conservation. David joins us today to discuss the science behind why the Victorian Government must put an end to native forest logging. You can read a recent article by David on this issue here in Cosmos.//