Long Live the Species

Friday, 22 April 2022 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Long Live the Species, despite The EPBC Act

What if you wanted to do something, but you didn't ever spell out quite what it is you want to achieve, and you didn't put any time or energy into doing it, and you didn't reflect on your progress towards achieving it, and you never agreed to commit to it? What do you suppose would be your chances of getting it done?

That's pretty much how Australia's laws are going about protecting our native plants and animals.

Australia has the highest species extinction rates in the world. Depressing? Yes. Can we do something about it? Yes.

Anne & Kev speak with Carmel Killin about what we can do and what her community of over 200 artists have achieved already.


Show notes

Long Live the Species - see the art
Long Live the Species - go to the exhibition

ANU College of Law seminar on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) by Dr Peter Burnett

find your representative

all about federal appropriation bills


Theme music:

One in Ten by UB40

Sound effects:

Sofia's Dawn Chorus, in Fryers Forest, by kangaroovindaloo

Big Tree Fall in Forest by Kinoton

Tree Chainsawed Drops.m4a by RutgerMuller

dozer sample.wav by deleted_user_2304

Self Destruct/Alpha-11 Warhead Explosion by Nuclearboy

All of the above sound effects licensed under the Attribution 3.0 License