Philippine Elections, CIA connections and Current Situation in Ukraine, Climate Change activists Campaign to Stop ISDS

Monday, 30 May 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am

May Kotsakis Co-founder of The Philippines Australia Solidarity Association (PASA) speaking with Jan about Marcos Jnr and the recent election in the Philippines. Kostakis confirms the manipulation and corruption within the current election and the country's history. The Phillipienes was previously ruled by Marcos SNR a known dictator who has cause much terror across the counrty. Kostakis discusses the inappropriateness of Marcos JNR gaining support from many western countries, gaining congratulations from the likes of the U.S and AUS. She goes on to discuss the Human right violations under the Marcos family.


Jan speaks with Tim Anderson with an update on the situation in Ukraine and the connection between the CIA and the Biden family. Hunter Biden's (Biden's son) was involved in some sort of energy deal in the Ukraine, which poured money into the country with the potential intent to turn the bordering country into a future weapon against Russia. The CIA conducted military training programs in 2014/2015 in different parts of the Ukraine. This program included sniper training, warfare and operational training. The CIA were training and preparing the Ukraine with skills for combat, against a much larger more equipped force. The motive of the U.S to conduct this training was to prepare theUkraine against threats with the clear intent to weaken Russian forces. Surrounding Eastern European, Scandinavian and ex soviet union countries look to join NATO for protection against a potentially threatening Russia. Resources such as food and fuel are becoming more difficult for many countries to access due to the Russian invasion.


Annie provides us with voices from a recent on-line rally around the use of the insidious ECT, Energy Charter Treaty, to gouge money from countries putting in legislation to protect the environment. We look at the UK Union Caucus meeting that discussed the upcoming COP27 meetings. This feature is about an online rally against the energy charter treaty, which is set up to extract money from countries who are putting in legislation to protect the environment.

Activists are concerned that this allows organisations to sue countries for billions of dollars through a mechanism called investor state dispute settlement or ISDS, if countries take climate action that affects corporate profits. Activists urge this treaty to stop as it is holding our climate action back, the ECT allows companies with interest in resources such as fossil fuel to sue countries for millions if climate change policies are affecting profits. Although financial consequences are high, activists urge countries to leave the treaty as we are in a climate crisis. More about the campaign to stop ISDS from the group