Telling the truth and addressing the wrongs against Aboriginal people in Australia: What's the best approach?

Friday, 3 June 2022 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Noongar author, Claire G Coleman, talks about creating change in Australia for Aboriginal people. She begins on an optimistic note with the ousting of the Liberals from federal government, and the rejection of policies and campaigning based on hate. On a hopeful note, the new PM has committed to a First Nations Voice to Parliament, to be enshrined in the constitution. While some think a treaty should come before this, Claire believes that truth telling should come before both treaty and a voice to Parliament. She talks about the confusing range of Aboriginal days, that may distract from the most important task of truth telling.


CORRECTION: The Victorian electorate of Batman was renamed to Cooper in 2019, after the 20th century Aboriginal leader and activist, William Cooper.

Friday 10:00am to 10:30am
Think Again offers weekly conversations and reflections about current events, trends and public pronouncements on contemporary and emerging issues. The show moves beyond what we read and hear via the public and ‘social’ media, to invite alternative possibilities to guide our thinking, living and organising.


Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet
