This week Sam and Jack are joined by Jemila Rushton from the Friends of the Earth Gas Collective who joined Keerray Woorroong Gunditjmara First Nations Peoples this World Environment Day to Protect Whale Songline Country in Gunditjmara Sea Country.
Every year Koontapool (Southern Right Whales) return to their birthing grounds along the coastlines of South West Victoria. Travelling up from the colder Southern and Antarctic waters, they use the southern coast, waters and songlines to navigate their journeys to and through Gunditjmara Sea Country to feed and birth. Over the past year we have seen state and federal governments earmark vast expanses of Gunditjmara Sea Country for a massive expansion of gas mining as part of a national economic recovery.
The event was hosted by the Southern Ocean Protection Embassy Collective and supported by Friends of The Earth and Surfers For Climate in solidarity with Gunditjmara Whale Dreaming Custodians and Local Gunditj community in proclaiming protection for Southern Right Whale Birthing and Songline.