War crimes and bravery: Meeting Daniel Ellsberg in 1977 | Those nuclear subs for Australia... Maybe? | First-hand account of the Zionist ethnic cleansing in Palestine, Pt. 2 | Secret US Bases in Australia | 3CR Community Radio

War crimes and bravery: Meeting Daniel Ellsberg in 1977 | Those nuclear subs for Australia... Maybe? | First-hand account of the Zionist ethnic cleansing in Palestine, Pt. 2 | Secret US Bases in Australia

Tuesday, 8 August 2023 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy

 Val Noone(link is external) and his meeting with Daniel Ellsberg in 1977

 Columnist and author Brian Toohey(link is external) and those nuclear powered submarines. For Australia. Maybe.

 Part two of a two-part interview with Palestinian writer and political analysist Jafar M. Ramini.

 The secret US bases in Australia – Academic, researcher, military analyst and peace activist, Professor Richard Tanter.