Yumi Umiumare, ButohBAR OUT of ORDER

Friday, 3 November 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Yumi Umiumare, ButohBAR OUT of ORDER

Yumi Umiumare interview with James McKenzie about ButohBAR OUT of ORDER.  A stellar line-up of performers give a Melbourne interpretation to Japanese performance art Butoh. Created with Taka Takiguchi.  Includes Maude Davey, Moira Finucane, Dan West, Emma Bathgate, Hal Tanaka, Hiroshi Morishima, Willow J Conway and Weave Movement Theatre with Yumi.

  Abbotsford Convent (Industrial School), November 15 to 19.

  ButohOUT! 2023


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  3CR broadcasts from the stolen lands of the Kulin Nation.