Episode 2: Aboriginal kinship and trans sisterhood

Saturday, 2 December 2023 - 12:00pm

In this episode, Anya first speaks to Tarsh, a proud queer Palawa Iowana from Tasmania, who has been living in Melbourne for 7 years now. Tarsh talks about how she has forged queer blak family who embody culture through community. 

Anya also speaks with Sasja Sÿdek, an indigenous Singaporean trans woman of color, and co-founder of Trans Sisters United. Sasja is also the lead peer worker at the www.transfemme.com.au project, a published author with the 'Nothing to Hide - Voices of Trans & Gender Diverse Australia' anthology, hosts a television show called 'Trans Fabulous' on Channel 31 and is a producer and presenter at 3CR's Queering the Air. In today's episode, Sasja reflects on her journey over the years, trans sisterhood, and the importance of chosen family.


Queerbrood podcast series. Artwork by Frances Cannon.
A podcast series about all the beautiful ways queer people make families.


3CR Queerbrood crew
