Renewable, not Radioactive: global call for effective climate action

Saturday, 18 November 2023 - 10:00am to 10:30am

As we approach the CoP 28, United Nations Climate Change Conference that starts in Dubai on November 30, the nuclear industry continues to promote itself as climate friendly in a massive and well-funded distraction from effective action to address the climate catastrophe.

Don’t Nuke the Climate, a global civil society initiative with members and supporters from environment, First Nation, trade union, faith, public health and other sectors, has produced two new videos calling on national governments and the global community to embrace and adopt safer, cheaper, faster and more deployable renewable power technologies.

Today we’ll bring you some of the speeches from Don’t Nuke the Climate’s launch event of two short videos on Nuclear and Climate change and Small Modular Reactors.

We’ll hear coordinator of the Friends of the Earth Melbourne Nuclear Free Collective Sanne de Swart, Tim Judson from Nuclear Information and Research Service - a US non-profit organization devoted to a nuclear-free, carbon-free world, Mia Pepper from Don’t Nuke the Climate and Ryoko Kose from Fukushima, Japan.

Saturday 10:00am to 10:30am
Current news and information on nuclear, peace and energy issues.


Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.
