Episode 2: Goolengook blockade begins | 3CR Community Radio

Episode 2: Goolengook blockade begins

Thursday, 7 December 2023 - 12:00pm

Conversations with forest activists about the establishment of the Goolengook blockade in 1997 and the subsequent long hard fight to protect this area of old growth forest. This was the start of Australia's longest running forest blockade, and we reflect on the wins, losses and lessons learnt from taking collective action to protect this iconic forest area.

Fiona  speaks to Michelle van Gerrevink, Sophie Dunn, John Fraser, Ntennis Davi, Josh Willoughby, Madeline Hudson and Maree Grenfell.


Forest protests at Goolengook, East Gippsland - Tony Hastings

Forest protests at Goolengook, East Gippsland - Tony Hastings

A series that looks back on the wins, losses and lessons of a thirty year campaign to protect the forests of East Gippsland in Victoria. 


Fiona York and friends



Bonus episode: Remembering forest defenders we have lost

18 Jan 2024
Remembering all the forest defenders (and the forests) we have lost along the way

Episode 6: After the fires: Errinundra, forest protection and a celebration

4 Jan 2024
In this final episode, we discuss the bushfires, blockade at Errinundra, the end to native forest logging and the GECO party.

Episode 5: Citizen Science as Direct Action

28 Dec 2023
How GECO used citizen science as direct action to protect forests

Episode 4: Mobilising the cities for forests

21 Dec 2023
Conversations about all the different ways GECO mobilised people from the city to visit the forests