Jennifer and Jacques cast their eye over the 'mess' that was 2023, and how we are managing (or not managing) our affairs in Australia.
They reflect on the true reformist, ex-PM Gough Whitlam, and how rare such inspiration and meaningful programs are today in a world of 'hollowed out parties, sound bites, and 24-hour news cycles'.
Some insights are drawn from the US predicament as described by Rick Perlstein in an article in Mother Jones titled 'Infernal Triangle', with the points of the triangle being: authoritarian Republicans, ineffectual Democrats and clueless media. In short, neither of these are doing their job, a situation which has broad paralells in Australia: with an 'authoritarian' and conservative Dutton-led Coalition 'opposition', a compromising ALP and the News Corp./Nine Entertainment media - amplified by the 'social' media - demanding 'balance', the real winners are the 1% - 10% most profiting from global corporate capitalism.
The presenters end by highlighting that resistance and activism are more important than ever.
Bongiorno, F (2022) Dreamers and Schemers: A political history of Australia, Melbourne: LaTrobe University & Black Inc. (especially the great summary of 1960s-70s activism on pp. 260 - 290...)
see also: "The problem with Australian politics? Both sides agree about everything" Alan Kohler (The New Daily Feb 22, 2024)
Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet