Teachers & School Staff for Palestine | Refugee Rights

Monday, 6 May 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

*Content Warning: This episode of Doin' Time may contain audio images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have died, and discussion of Deaths in Custody.

In this episode Marisa is joined on the show by Chris Breen, a member of Teachers and School Staff for Palestine NSW who are advocating against the Australian Government's backing of Israel. Chris discusses the suppression of Pro-Palestinian voices in educational institutions, highlighting the actions taken to inhibit expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Next up, Marisa chats with David Glanz from the Refugee Action Collective. They dive into the potential impact of the recently suggested Deportation Bill, discussing how it could affect refugees from various backgrounds worldwide, including those affected by the conflict in Palestine.

Marisa is also joined on the show by Brett Collins, who for over thirty years has represented prisoners’ interests nationally and internationally. He is a Coordinator for Justice Action and a spokesperson for the Prisoners Action Group. On the show, he talks about the meaningful work he's doing to make life better for inmates now and in the future.