Teachers for Palestine: Truth, Mythologies and the Classroom

Saturday, 1 June 2024 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Words read "Teach for Palestine: Challenging ANZAC", image is of poppy over barbed wire

On today’s show I speak to two teachers involved with Teachers and School Staff for Palestine (TSS4P), Victoria. Teachers and School Staff for Palestine formed last year, building on existing connections forged through Union activism and teachers working for Social Justice, as well as drawing in teachers and school staff who wanted to speak out against the genocide in Palestine. As we will hear, Teachers and School Staff for Palestine has expanded rapidly, showing up as a weekly contingent to the Naarm Sunday rallies, holding a Week of Action and vigil, and more recently creating resources that challenge mythologies around ANZAC day and the silence that surrounds historic and present injustice in Palestine. They have attracted the attention of the Education Minister in Victoria, Ben Carrol and shock jock Journalists, like Andrew Bolt. Even Barnaby Joyce has weighed in recently. Tune into hear about their inspiring work in the classroom and beyond. 

Teachers and School Staff for Palestine Vic 

Find them on Instagram: teachers4Palestine_vic

Find resources at: https://linktr.ee/teachers4palestinevic