Queer Arabs Australia, Warburton Environment, barriers to and enablers of truth-telling in Australia

Monday, 3 June 2024 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Queer Arabs Australia


Acknowledgement of Country //

Grace caught up with Serwa Naghshbandi to discuss her studies in the history music resistance and the role coded singing plays in activism and resistance against oppression and as an act of survival. Serwa is a Kurdish-Iranian independent scholar and educator, and she has recently been exploring women's singing as a practice of care. Their conversation includes selected songs that Serwa uses to explore coded singing and its impact. 

Tuesday Breakfast interviewed Professor Heidi Norman is a leading Australian researcher in the field of Aboriginal political history previously. Her research sits in the field of history and draws on the cognate disciplines anthropology, political-economy, cultural studies and political theory. Heidi joined the Tuesday Breakfast show to tell them about new research undertaken by UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture researchers on behalf of Reconciliation Australia, exploring attitudes towards, barriers to, and enablers of truth-telling in Australia.

 One of the ways we combat imperialism, colonialism and capitalism at large is through intersectional solidarity between movements. Throughout history we have seen time and time again that unity works to fight for a better world. To speak more about this, Rob interviewed Basem, who is the founder of Queer Arabs Australia, an organisation dedicated to bringing LGBTQIA+ Arab/MENA communities together. 
Zyara is a social support group for Queer Arabs run by Queer Arabs in Arabic.

Warburton Environment President Nic Fox, who, supported by the groups Wildlife for the Central Highlands and Victorian Forest Alliance, is taking the Victorian State Government to court for violating its own environmental protection laws. Rob spoke with Nic about the extent of the violation, the damage to vital habitats, and what's next for the court case. To help support the case, please email your local MP as well as both the State and Federal Environment Ministers to demand stronger environmental laws to protect forests as well as their inhabitants across the continent. 
