Uncle Wayne 'Coco' Wharton FPM Rally, Poverty is a Policy Choice: World Suicide Prevention Day, Bangladesh Now & Beyond, Live from Disrupt Land Forces, Anti-Palestinian Racism in Mainstream Media.

Thursday, 12 September 2024 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Disrupt Land Forces Event Free Gaza Poster in Protest. Image credit: Matt Hrkac, 2024.

Acknowledgement of Country//


Uncle Wayne 'Coco' Wharton - Free Palestine Melbourne Rally 8th September
We listened to Uncle Wayne 'Coco' Wharton, Kooma Murri Activist visiting from Magan-djin, speaking at this Sunday's Free Palestine Rally, outside State Library, 8th September. Later that day, also Uncle Coco spoke at the official launch event for Disrupt Land Forces held at Camp Sovereignty - Lest We Forget: The Frontier Wars. 3CR will be including audio from the event and other Disrupt actions in our special coverage across the week so stay tuned and listen back at 3cr.org.au/dlf2024 //


Antipoverty Centre - National Suicide Prevention Strategy
Kristin O'Connell from the Antipoverty Centre joins us to discuss the relationship between poverty and suicide in the wake of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, when the Albanese government handed down its draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy.//


Farhana Sultana - 'Bangladesh Now: Beyond the Headlines'
We heard a clip of Farhana Sultana, Professor of Geography at Syracuse University, speaking during the webinar 'Bangladesh Now: Beyond the Headlines' organised by the Cornell-Syracuse South Asia Consortium. This virtual event was held on 29 August 2024, bringing together scholars in New York and activists in Bangladesh to share personal nuance and academic analysis to headlines from the beginning of the student-led quota reform movement on June 6th to the creation of an interim government upon the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5th. Our thanks to the South Asia Program at Cornell for sharing this audio with us - you can watch the full webinar here and keep up to date with the South Asia Program on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @SAPCornell.//


Live Broadcast to Disrupt Land Forces - 12th September
We crossed live to 3CR reporters on the ground at this morning's actions for Disrupt Land Forces. Land Forces event is the largest land based weapons expo in the Southern Hemisphere. In 2024 it will be held at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre and a coalition of community groups working for a world free of war is organising a festival of resistance running from 8-14 September. Check out the Disrupt Calendar of Events, and watch the 3CR coverage here at https://www.3cr.org.au/dlf2024 - in the lead up and during the week! 

Be sure to check out Melbourne Activist Legal before attending events, be prepared, attend with a buddy and/or affinity group, and look out for each other in the next coming days with check-ins, meals, support of all kinds.//


Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah - Anti-Palestinian racism in australian mainstream media
Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah spoke with us about anti-Palestinian racism in Australian mainstream media and concerns about media oversight by the Australian Press Council in the wake of a decision on her complaints to the APC regarding inaccuracies and misinformation shared in an article by The Age's Chief Reporter Chip Le Grand earlier this year. Dr Abdel-Fattah is a Future Fellow at Macquarie University. Her research areas cover Islamophobia, race, Palestine, the war on terror, youth identities and social movement activism. Dr Abdel-Fattah is also a lawyer and the multi-award-winning author of 12 books for children and young adults. Read her piece about the APC's decision on Le Grand's article here on Pearls and Irritations.//

Image credit: Matt Hrkac, 2024. Support Matt's excellent frontline photojournalism here.//