Highlights from 2024: Solidarity & Resistance | 3CR Community Radio

Highlights from 2024: Solidarity & Resistance

Thursday, 2 January 2025 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Highlights from 2024: Solidarity and Resistance

3CR would like to acknowledge the Kulin Nation – true owners, caretakers and custodians of the land from which we broadcast. 3CR pays respect to Elders, past and present of the Kulin Nation. We recognise their unceded sovereignty.//

Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh//

Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh speaks about ecocide, resistance and the links between Palestine and so-called Australia. Professor Qumsiyeh is a Palestinian environmental scientist and author who has written several books including Sharing the Land of Canaan and Popular Resistance in Palestine. He is also the founder of the Palestine Museum of Natural History(PMNH), as well as the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS), founded in partnership with his wife Jessie Chang in 2014. This is a conversation from May 2024.//

Michelle Fahy//

We revisit the work of Independant journalist Michelle Fahy, who spoke to Thursday breakfast host Priya Kunjan about Australia's place in the global supply chain of Lockheed Martin's F-35 combat aircraft, which the Israeli military has been using to wreak widespread destruction across Gaza. Michelle has been investigating militarism and the arms trade since 2009, and recently reported that Lockheed Martin has deleted website details about its operations in Australia. You can read and support Michelle's work by subscribing to her substack, Undue Influence.//

Teachers for Palestine: Bill Abrahams//

We hear an interview from Thursday breakfast host inez winters and Bill Abrahams who discuses the resource Teaching for Palestine: Challenging Anzac Day and australia's historical and ongoing repression of Palestinians, how offical remembrance obscures the realities of war and promotes imperialism and militarisation, and the role of teachers and school staff in dismantling the myths set up by offical remembrance.//

Prison to deportation pipeline: Sanmati Verma//

Legal Director at Human Rights Law Centre Sanmati Verma who joined Priya earlier in 2024 to break down the violence of mandatory visa cancellation and the different experiences of non-citizens incarcerated in so-called Australia.Sanmati Verma and Dr Claire Loughnan from the University of Melbourne explored these issues in a recent report on the Prison to Deportation Pipeline, which found that there has been a tenfold increase in visa cancellations on 'character' grounds since 2014, leading to a significant rise in people held in immigration detention for this reason. You can read the report at Human Rights Law Centre's website.//

Yoorrook: Professor Maggie Walter//

Yoorrook for Justice is a truth telling commission that documents past and present injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria. The commission has seen thousands of people speak truth in court and on Country. The final interview features Palawa woman and Yoorrook Commissioner and Professor Maggie Walter. Maggie Walter has authored six books and over 100 journal articles in the fields of Indigenous sociology and Indigenous Data Sovereignty. Today, Maggie speaks to us about the importance of data sovereignty for First Nations justice and gives insight into Closing the Gap data released last week, along with updates on Yoorrook for Justice during the last week of submissions in 2024.//