Commons Conversations Series 3: Jackie Turner and Alex Kelly | 3CR Community Radio

Commons Conversations Series 3: Jackie Turner and Alex Kelly

Wednesday, 25 December 2024 - 9:00am
Commons Conversations Podcast

Commons Conversations Podcast

In conversation with activist and filmmaker Alex Kelly, Jackie Turner from the Trans Justice Project discusses the importance of building solidarity, community and knowledge of history while combating disinformation.

To find out more visit:


https://commonslibrary.org/the-anti-trans-disinformation-handbook/(link is external)

Friday 9:00am to 10:00am
Ratbags, Peaceniks and Agents of Change. Resistance radio that explores the movements that made us, drawing from the activist archives through to voices of resistance today. We take you under the hood to see how collectives and campaigns are formed, mobilise people, work cooperatively to transform systems of oppression and are sustained over time.
