
wording to describe series and images of masculine and feminine forms closely embracing
22 Nov 2020
Sally Goldner with guests Kate Lefoe and Oliver Ross
2 people of masculine appearance; one with finger over lips; one with facial hair words Queer@Cannes
15 Nov 2020
Sally Goldner with David Farrington
tezt in light blue red black block letters Feminist Writers Festival
8 Nov 2020
Sally Goldner AM with Asiel Adan Sanchez Nikki Anderson
blue wite asnd pink background wording happy transparent day
1 Nov 2020
Sally with Dr Gavi Ansara
Group of people wearing clothes in ace colours grey white purple words discover community near you acesandaros.org
25 Oct 2020
Sally Goldner withJacci Pillar and Nikki Viveca
18 Oct 2020
Sally Goldner
includes images of hand pulling another habd latter has cuffs on
11 Oct 2020
Sally Goldner with Kayleen White
text black mainly on yellow light blue background "unmuted festival songs stories and mental healt hOctober 10-17
4 Oct 2020
Simon Maynard (guest) with Sally Goldner