Conversation with Adel Salman, President of the Islamic Council of Victoria | 3CR Community Radio

Conversation with Adel Salman, President of the Islamic Council of Victoria

Saturday, 11 November 2023 - 9:30am to 10:00am
Artwork by Monica Trinidad (monicatrinidad.com)

Artwork by Monica Trinidad (monicatrinidad.com)

Nasser speaks with Adel Salman, President of the Islamic Council of Victoria, on the continued occupation of, and violence against, Palestinians in Gaza, including his experiences of a visit to Gaza, the conflation of conversations on violence, terrorism, and Palestinian oppression, connection and solidarity with Islamic communities, and the vital role of protests and direct action in supporting Palestinian people.

Nasser also reflects upon a hit piece recently published in mainstream media about his outspoken activism and support of Palestinians right to self-detrminiation and sovereignty. Read 3CR Statement of Palestine Remembered here.

Free Palestine Melbourne weekly rally and march this Sunday starting at 12pm at State Library Victoria. More info.

For information about your rights when protesting, visit mals.au/resources(link is external).

'Free Palestine' performed by Ambassador.(link is external)

Artwork created by Monica Trinidad(link is external).


L-R: Yousef Alreemawi, Robert Martin, and Nasser Mashni

L-R: Yousef Alreemawi, Robert Martin, and Nasser Mashni

Saturday 9:30am to 10:00am
News and views regarding the Palestinian situation. Bringing listeners the untold side of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Nasser Mashni
