Updates on Gaza and West Bank; Interview with filmmaker Nicholas Hanna

Saturday, 22 June 2024 - 9:30am to 10:00am
'The Last Sky', a film by Nicholas Hanna

Nasser provides updates on the ongoing oppression, devestation, and genocide of Palestinian people as a result of the western imperial oupost of the Israeli government and its militarianism and the complicity of morally banrupt global governments.

Nasser then speaks with Nicholas (Nick) Hanna, an Australian-Lebanese solicitor, filmmaker, and humanitarian about his film The Last Sky, a documentary about the Gaza war and the escalating conflict in Lebanon.


For more information and to find a screening of The Last Sky, head to linktr.ee/thelastskyfilm.

Free Palestine Melbourne rally, State Library Victoria, Sundays 12pm.

Updated info on upcoming events and actions via APAN and Free Palestine Melbourne.

Daily broadcast updates via Let's Talk Palestine.

Free Palestine by Maher Zain.


L-R: Yousef, Robert, and Nasser
Saturday 9:30am to 10:00am
News and views regarding the Palestinian situation. Bringing listeners the untold side of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Nasser Mashni
