'When the temporary became permanent', excerpt of Yousef Alreemawi's 'Understanding Palestine' series

Saturday, 27 July 2024 - 9:30am to 10:00am
'Understanding Palestine', Sun 21 July

On this week's episode, Nasser presents an excerpt of a talk given by veteran Palestinian activist Yousef Alreemawi entitled 'The Palestinian refugees: When the temporary became permanent', Part 9 in the series 'Understanding Palestine', originally recorded 21 July 2024. 

'Understanding Palestine' series, every second Sunday at Black Spark Cultural Centre, 126 Gladstone Ave, Northcote. The next talk, 'What happens when the Palestinian refugees become refugees again?', is happening on Sun 4 Aug 2024, 4.30pm. Register via averroes.project@gmail.comMore info.


Free Palestine Melbourne rally, State Library Victoria, Sundays 12pm.

Info on upcoming events and actions via APAN and Free Palestine Melbourne.

Daily broadcast updates via Let's Talk Palestine.