Belinda Lyons-Lee and Emma Batchelor

Thursday, 13 May 2021 - 11:30am to 12:00pm

Belinda Lyons-Lee touches on the macabre history of Madame Tussaud, the lifelike images of wax and how they excited the likes of the necromancer, Philidor, and the His Grace William Cavendish in her gothic tale, 'Tussaud'.

'Now That I See You' is a story of complicated love when a partner becomes transgender. Emma Batchelor tells this through letters and journal entries over an eighteen month period.

Join David, Lisa and Jan for Published Or Not
Thursday 11:30am to 12:00pm
Australian and international authors talk about their books and how they got published or how they self-published. Listeners, writers and readers will also hear about what's going on in our local writing community.


Jan Goldsmith, David McLean and Lisa Moule
