David McLean

Wednesday, 5 October 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
David at the Vincent Van Gough exhibition, Melbourne

David McLean was the Head of English somewhere in time and has been a teacher all his working life. David did a great job of explaining how right-wing governments have, over time,  instilled a program of How To Screw-up Education 101 in Australia's education system, with the introduction of business speak and running teachers down to the ground. David is a writer and enthusiastic amateur actor, starring in Neighbours and writing a book titled Finding Coby about his neice's battle with teen depression. He really is a nice guy. David is currently introducing writing as relective practise to Epworth medical students which has illuminated the doubt felt, but formerly hidden, among medical students. Great work. David also co-hosts 3CR's book show, Published or Not, on Thursdays 11:30am. Thanks so much for being our guest this week, David, and keep up the great work.

Published or Not: Thursdays 11:30am - 12pm | 3cr.org.au/publishedornot

In-verse reflection: structured creative writing exercises to promote reflective learning in medical students | Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2022)

The Radical Australia team, Joe Toscano and Kelly Whitworth.
Wednesday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Listen in as host Joe Toscano yarns with a different guest each week about their experience in movements and campaigns for progressive social change.


Joe Toscano and Kelly Whitworth

