Saturday, 12 February 2022 - 10:00am to 10:30am
About 20 people standing with banners in front of the Old Treasury building, a white banner on left reads - No War, No AUKUS, No nuclear subs, yes to peace, safer climate jobs, in the centre is a yellow banner with the IPAN logo and the words - Keep Australia out of US wars, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network.

In this show, we go out on the streets to protest the QUAD meeting - where the US secreaty of state and foreign ministers from Japan, India and Australia met in Naarm/ Melbourne to further develop their plans for war, and posturing against China.


Speakers from the protest that took place on February 10th included Dave Ball, Deputy Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia, Dave Sweeney, anti-nuclear campaigner from the Australian Conservation Foundation, Shirley Winton from the international and peaceful australia network (or IPAN) and the spirit of Eureka, Romina Beitseen from Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament or CICD and Dave Glanz from Solidarity.


For further information, check out one of these webinar:

RESISTING AUKUS AND WAR ON CHINA with Noam Chomsky (Saturday Feb 12, 11am AEST).

QUAD-AUKUS will cost the earth - What does AUKUS mean for Australia, Thursday 24 Feb, 7pm - email to register

Saturday 10:00am to 10:30am
Current news and information on nuclear, peace and energy issues.


Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.
