Speaking up for country at the BHP AGM

Saturday, 11 November 2023 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Arabunna Elder Kevin Buzzacott

The 2023 AGM of BHP Group Limited was held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, on Wednesday 1 November 2023.  Arabunna Elder Kevin Buzzacott prepared a statement and today we hear from Donna Abdulla who attended the AGM to present the statement.  The wide ranging conversation shows many intersecting issues at play where these extractive industries operate and situates them in the ongoing project of colonisation.


This is Kevin Buzzacott speaking from Alberrie Creek, SA.

Western Mining started off Olympic Dam in the 80s and made big trouble for our people. They were fully supported by the South Australia and the Australian Governments.  

Despite the arguments back then, the Government should have moved in and shut it down, but instead, they supported Western Mining to move in and establish Olympic Dam at Roxby Downs. And they allowed shonky deals to continue WITHOUT PROPER CONSULTATION with Arabunna people and others. Since Native Title began, we have Native Title Corporations running the affairs of Finniss Springs, Stuarts creek and other places.

Our old people set up these places and homelands for our people to live on, NOT for mining, and that’s how it should be. All our black people from Finniss Springs are suffering because of the Government allowing mining developments.
I believe there is wheeling and dealing happening as we speak.

I would like the Government to hand back these places to the full Arabunna Common Law holders.

And I would like upfront meetings ASAP  to discuss any inconveniences that it might cause.

The old Finniss Springs and surrounding areas are too valuable, too precious, to be destroyed for mining. If necessary, we will call a full meeting with all people from all walks of life who care about the land.

I have seen and witnessed my old people go to their graves worried and stressed out about their old country. I have seen the damage to the mound springs since mining began. The trees that have died.     We can see the changes, the effects of mining on our sacred lands. 
It is still happening now, and it has to stop.

Please take this as urgent.

There are new families, new generations of our people who want Finniss Springs as their homeland. Some have never been there before. It is their right, and their heritage which cannot be denied.

Contact me at Finniss Springs.
Kevin Buzzacott


Saturday 10:00am to 10:30am
Current news and information on nuclear, peace and energy issues.


Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.
