Explaining the laws around offshore energy

Sunday, 15 October 2023 - 11:30am to Sunday, 5 November 2023 - 12:00pm

The ocean off Victoria's coast has been selected for Australia's first offshore wind farms, which will help displace fossil fuels and reduce Australia's carbon emissions. But some of those areas are already being mined for oil and gas. And coastal communities have a variety of concerns about offshore energy, from seismic blasting to test for gas to the visual impact of wind farms.

So who makes the decisions about offshore energy developments? And how do communities have a say? We're joined by energy law expert Professor Samantha Hepburn from Deakin University to explain.

Sunday 11:30am to 12:00pm
Information about marine and coastal environments. News and interviews with marine scientists, campaigners and conservation workers. Presented by volunteer broadcasters who are passionate about marine environments, both local and across the world.


Andrew & James.
