#034 Phil Lawn: Confiscate Economic Rents

Sunday, 14 July 2024 - 5:30pm to Friday, 19 July 2024 - 6:30pm
Phil Lawn: Confiscate Economic Rents

One of the greatest dangers that monetary systems present to a democratic society is the phenomenon of "economic rents". Economist Phil Lawn reminds us this battle over economic rents is a century-old debate. This battle plays out in newspaper headlines about the housing crisis to this very day. And we oldies slow down to delve into Phil's unique take on the "cost to live".


Show Notes


Gold as a Peace Currency
Jul 8, 2024
from a Q&A session with Professor Michael Hudson hosted by Karl Fitzgerald

Theme Music

Pleading Ignorance, by Ed Kuepper, from the album Starstruck.

Additional Audio

Too Many Things, by Ed Kuepper, from the album Starstruck.

Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
by Marvin Gaye

by Charlie Needs Braces