
14 Oct 2015
Making Transport better for all Victorians?
Peter Waters, Ray Groves, Ariane Garner - Williams and Pauline Williams
9 Sep 2015
Human rights in action: learning from social justice advocates
Lisa Brumtis, Paul Ramcharan, Russell Solomon
12 Aug 2015
Bullying and how to combat it
Peter Waters and Pauline Williams
8 Jul 2015
Inquiry into Violence, Abuse and Neglect against People with Disability in Institutional and Residential Settings
Pauline Williams and Jane Rosengrave
13 May 2015
James, Amanda and Ria discuss what justice means for people with disabilities
James Teekan, Amanda Hiscoe, Helen Gwilliam and Ria Strong
8 Apr 2015
How disability access could be improved in Australia
Peter Waters, James Teekan and Pauline Williams
18 Mar 2015
People with a Disability speak out at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse
Jane Rosengrave and Pauline Williams
11 Feb 2015
James tells us all about the Branching Out art show and his new job selling the Big Issue and Tim discusses transport and accessibility.
Tim, James and Pauline from AMIDA
10 Dec 2014
Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) were finalists in Improving Advocacy and Rights Promotion Award at the 2014 National Disability Awards
Jane Houser, Lisa Brumtis and Pauline Williams