S11 World Economic Forum Protests | 3CR Community Radio

S11 World Economic Forum Protests

Monday, 11 September 2000 - 8:00am to Wednesday, 13 September 2000 - 8:00am


From 11-13 September 2000 members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) met at the Crown Casino Complex in Melbourne. 3CR covered the massive public opposition to the WEF and corporate-led globalisation, and compiled highlights of the broadcasts on a CD - Globalisation Unplugged.

3CR would like to thank all those people who contributed material to this compilation and all those who added their voice to the protest.

Globalisation Unplugged was the winner of a 2001 ATOM Award(link is external)


globalisation unpluggedtrack one introduction and background

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Ted Murphy National Tertiary Education Union; Patricia Ranald Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network; Walden Bello Phillippino academic and activist; Patricia Ranald Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Marion McGregor Community Radio 3CR; Ted Murphy National Tertiary Education Union; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology 

track two indigenous people

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Rebecca Bear-Wingfiled Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta; Denis Evans Community Radio 3CR; Kim BullimoreIndigenous Students Network; Meena Ramon Penang Consumer Association; Waldon Bello Philippino academic and activist; Rebecca Bear-Wingfield Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta 

track three people power and civil rights

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Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Bob Brown Senator Greens Party; Klaus Schwab Founder and President WEF; Meena RamonPenang Consumer Association; Bill Gates Chairman Microsoft; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Stephen Jolley s11 Alliance; Tim Walgers Queer United to Eradicate Economic Rationalism (QUEER); Charles McLean World Economic Forum, Communications; Vandana ShivaResearch Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Denis Evans Community Radio 3CR; Bob Brown Senator Greens Party; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology

track four workers

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Sharan Burrow Australian Council of Trade Unions; Bill Gates Chairman Microsoft; Annie Delaney Textile Clothing Footwear Union of Australia; Dave Kerin Earthworker; Bob Brown Senator Greens Party; Stephen Spence South Australian Trades and Labour Council; Susan Price Green Left Weekly; Leigh HubbardVictorian Trades Hall Council; Denis Evans Community Radio 3CR

track five police and government 

LISTEN NOW (5.3MB/5:48min)

Victoria Police; Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Geraldine Cahill Community Radio 3CR; Bruce Thompson Friends of the Earth; Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Sarojini Krishnapillai Friends of the Earth; Observer/protester; Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Ellen Roberts Community Radio 3CR; Susan Price Green Left Weekly; Leigh Hubbard Victorian Trades Hall Council; Steve Bracks Victorian Premier; Jorge Jorquera s11 Alliance; Sarojini Krishnapillai Friends of the Earth; Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Dan Cass Sydney Alternative Media Centre

track six poverty and resources 

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Meena Ramon Penang Consumer Association; Bob Phelps Genethics Network; Aunty BettyGunditjamara; Bob Phelps Genethics Network; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Dave Sweeney Friends of the Earth; Jan Bartlett Community Radio 3CR; Jagjit Piahe World Vision Australia;Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Sarojini Krishnapillai Friends of the Earth

track seven corporate power and the media 

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Rod Quantok Comedian; Jim Scott Greens Party; Ted Murphy National Tertiary Education Union; Susan PriceGreen Left Weekly; Sarojini Krishnapillai Friends of the Earth; Alex Kelly Indymedia; Stephen Jolley s11 Alliance; Cam Walker Friends of the Earth; Dan Cass Sydney Alternative Media Centre; Stephen SpenceSouth Australia Trades and Labour Council

track eight free trade and corporate tyranny

LISTEN NOW (4.2MB/4:36min)

Meena Ramon Penang Consumer Association; Bob Phelps Genethics Network; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Marion McGregor Community Radio 3CR; Walden BelloPhillippino academic and activist; Rebecca Bear-Wingfield Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta; Ted Murphy National Tertiary Education Union; Catherine Kowesasi Community Radio 3CR; Jorge Jorquera s11 Alliance

track nine women 

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Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Lisa Bellear Indigenous Broadcaster; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Nola BrooksCommunity Radio 3CR; Alex Kelly Indymedia; Lynette Dumble Global Sisterhood Network; Annie DelaneyTextile Clothing Footwear Union of Australia

track ten police violence and the media 

LISTEN NOW (2.6MB/2:46min)

Meena Ramon Penang Consumer Association; Susan Price Green Left Weekly; Pauline Spencer Federation of Community Legal Centres; Damien Lawson Legal Observer Team; Denis Evans Community Radio 3CR; Jay Estorninho Community Radio 3CR; Denis Evans Community Radio 3CR; Cam Walker Friends of the Earth

track eleven the police investigation

LISTEN NOW (2.9MB/3:07min)

Meredith Butler Community Radio 3CR; Damien Lawson Legal Observer Team; Sarojini Krishnapillai Friends of the Earth; Cam Walker Friends of the Earth; Pauline Spencer Federation of Community Legal Centres; Nola Brooks Community Radio 3CR; Dan Cass Sydney Independent Media Centre

track twelve the movement

LISTEN NOW (4.4MB/4:45min) 

Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology; Jordy Hunter National Union of Students; Meena Ramon Penang Consumer Association; Rebecca Bear-Wingfield Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta; Walden Bello Phillippino academic and activist; Lynette Dumble Global Sisterhood Network; Walden BelloPhillippino academic and activist; Alex Kelly Indymedia; Jagjit Plahe World Vision Australia; Vandana Shiva Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology 

Music acknowledgement: if it hurts too much (just turn if off) by Jamie Saxe, other tracks by Neplusultra and additional audio from SKATV.   

Globalisation Unplugged was produced by Juliet Fox and Rachel Maher in 2000. 3CR encourages community radio stations to rebroadcast this material and requests that full acknowledgement of 3CR be attributed to any broadcast. 3CR retains copyright of this material. For more information contact the Projects Coordinator(link sends e-mail) Juliet Fox.  

Occupy Melbourne

Occupy Melbourne

3CR has a long history of presenting live coverage of union and social justice protests, blockades and occupations including the Honeymoom Mine occupation, the nurses dispute (including the 2012 nurses dispute), the MUA picket, the S11 World Economic Forum protests, Occupy Melbourne and more recently the TAFE4ALL campaign.
