Tune in today to Salaam Radio show, for a special interview with @ramiabadir by Marroushti recorded prior to his last performance at @miscellania_ organised by @_absorb__ . ABADIR is a music producer, sound designer, DJ and music critic born in Cairo, Egypt and based in Berlin, Germany. His work varies between a large spectrum of styles, combining experimental, club and ambient music. Being interested in human communication, his concepts deal with themes
inspired by fiction, memory and cultural artefacts. He participated in various festivals and played many venues around Germany, The Netherlands, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia, Italy, Egypt and more. His music were released on @svbkvlt @genotcentre @hush_hushhhh @Yerevan Tapes, @kaer_uiks among many other labels.
His artistic practice extends to academia, music criticism and theory. He hold a master’s degree in Digital Media from the University of Arts Bremen.