Working class identity I Aboriginal Deaths in Custody I This is the Week that Was I Blak Douglas Archibald finalist

Saturday, 24 October 2015 - 7:30am to 9:00am

Ian Watson talks about his book "A Disappearing World, Studies in Class, Gender and Memory"; Davy Thomas goes to CFMEU to support relatives of Aboriginal people dead in Police custody; Kevin Healy lets rip on what has happened in the past week; Blak Douglas the first identified Dhungatti Aboriginal artist to have been selected as a finalist in the Archibald Prize, taks about his work and the portrait of  Uncle Max Eulo an Aboriginal cultural entertainer. ‘He has etched his way into modern Sydney Aboriginal culture somewhat enigmatically,’ says Blak Douglas. The Archibald Prize finalists are at the Ballarat Art Gallery up to Nov 15.