Interviews, Michael Moore from PHAA, Craig McGregor from VAPA & Margarita Windisch on climate issues.

Saturday, 2 April 2016 - 7:30am to 9:00am
Michael Moore from the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA ). Discussing Public health and private health cover, the importance of a preventative model as opposed to a solely treatment model, siting examples of such preventative campaigns, discussing the importance of social determinants of health.
The politicising of health and the disservice to the public health system by the way private health public health mix model is implemented and funded; 
Mentions the Greens position on this as well and the policy of the PHAA.
Interview with Craig McGregor about the campaign mounted by the Victorian Allied Health Professional (VAPA)
Their campaign is around the EBA of course addressing their wages and working conditions.
Margarita  Windisch, long time socialist, feminist and currently a lecturer at Victoria University, updating listeners about climate issues Effect of heat in urban areas and the effect on women. Also, commentary on the Paris Conference and what it did not do.
Kevin Healy and his weekly Satirical contribution to Solidarity breakfast.