How to Get Covid Safe here II Dr Noor Bari presents the case for managing covid as a public health emergency and how we can care for our communities in practical and achievable ways.
Australia & Migrant Workers here II Matt Kunkel from the Migrant Workers Centre, looks at how Australia needs to show a good neighbour attidute to its neighbours during covid.
Digital School in Covid here II Murray Ketteringham, Princpal at Sir Joseph Banks High School in NSW, gives an insight into how one school has been moving to a digital curriculum during covid and beyond.
This is the Week here II Kevin Healey nails the events of the week.
RAC On-line Rally here II Chris Breen from Refugee Action Collective alerts us to an online rally scheduled for Sunday and gives an update on the numbers still in hotel detention as part of the medivac scheme.
LIFE Alternative Press Conference here II The LIFE Coalition has decided that it is time to have an alternative Press Conference to the official daily government covid Press Conferences in NSW where the spread of covid-19 is going unchecked. Where are workers and the community in this? Janet Burstall from LIFE talks about the facebook live event scheduled for Tuesday 31 at 2pm.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi