COP26 People's Summit ran alongside the main event. Today we hear about the role Australian Mining Interests & US militarism plays in climate change and how they paint a picture of climate action ready but really are stuck in a false paradigm.
Australian Mining Overview here II Liz Downes from Rain Forest Action Group gives an overview of Australian mining interest internationally
Sayona mining Quebec here II Councillor Belinda Wabegijig from the Long Point First Nation Council in Quebec talks about her community's fight against mining their ancestral lands by Australian subsidary of Sayona mining
Lynas Rare Earth Maylasia here II Lee Tan talks about the experience of her local town with the processing plan run by the Australian company Lynas. There is a new processing plant slated for Kalgoorlie.
US Militarism, Space Tech, and the Climate Crisis here II Koohan Palk-Mander gives a disturbing speech outlining why the international economy being built around militarism can't have this and deal with climate change at the same time.
This is the week here II
Climate Action here II Vvien Langford from 3cr's Climate Action Program reflects on the COP26 events and what it means for climate action. To catch up with Vivien's program go here.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi