Techno Park Rally II Preston Market Update II This is the Week II NUS Rally Welfare Not Warfare II

Saturday, 12 August 2023 - 7:30am to 9:00am
Techno Park Rally

Techno Park Rally here II Report on the Wednesday 8th Rally to get Hobson Bay Council to reconsider the eviction of residents from Techno Park Drive. Sign Petition.
Preston Market Update here II Connor Flynn updates us on the fight to Save Preston Market as the community event Arms Around Preston Market is set for 11am today. 
This is the Week here II Kevin Healy celebrates his 40th year slicing and dicing the week with satire.
NUS Rally Welfare Not Warfare here II We hear some of the speakers, Dave Sweeney (ICAN) and Sanne de Swart (Friends of the Earth Nuclear Free Collective), at the recent NUS rally calling for Welfare Not Warfare in Melbourne.

King Harvest - The Band

Almost There - The Church

Cause - Rodriquez

Wide Open Road - The Triffids