Zim Picket @ Webb Dock here II 3cr Thursday Breakfaster Inez Winter reports from the Community Picket against Israeli owned Zim ship at Webb Dock right now - The picket is ongoing at Webb Dock in Port Melbourne and community support is requested.
FOE 'Climate Ready Victoria' Plan here II Cam Walker, from Friends of the Earth, joins us to discuss FOE's plan for a 'Climate Ready Victoria'
Great Ocean Rescue Tour - No Seismic Testing in the Otway Basin here II Greta Carroll, from OCEAN, talks to us about the Great Ocean Rescue Tour Jan 5-27 which is alerting communities to the push for seismic testing in the Otway Basin and what is at stake.
Luku Ngarra: The Law of the Land here II Filmmaker Sinem Saban alerts us to free access on Survival Day to the ground breaking Luku Ngarra: The Law of the the Land www.lukungarrafilm.com password FREEAUST.
Launch of new education movement called Truth Telling Together www.truthtellingtogether.com
Chuffed Fundraiser to help get the 50 hours of extra footage shot durin the making of Luku Ngarra into futher education truth telling resournces https://chuffed.org/project/truthtellingwithdrgondarra
Standard of Living Crisis here II Don Sutherland joins us to talk about the standard of living crisis rather than the much less far reaching cost of living crisis the mainstream is talking about. For more blog plus Socialist Alliance 10 point plan.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi