West Papuan Struggle : Sampari event

Thursday, 10 December 2015 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Randall Stephens, Sampari Art Exhibition, Sheree Stewart, Izzy Brown, Kylie Supski, Di Cousens, West Papua Campaign, West Papua, social justice spoken word, asylum seekers West Papua,

As a part of the Sampari art exhibition and sale the FRWP Women's Office is hosted a spoken word afternoon, showcasing some of Melbourne's finest spoken word artists amidst the amazing art of the Sampari exhibition. The theme of the event was linked to West Papua's struggle for independance. performers were asked to focus on social justice.

Indegenous people and local Melbourne performers wrote about asylum seekers and social justice and the struggles of minority peoples.

  • The Free West Papua Campaign exists to alert the world to the ongoing tragedy in West Papua, which is under brutal Indonesian military occupation.
  • Mission
    We are a peaceful, public campaign, whose aim is very simple: to give the people of West Papua the freedom to choose their own destiny - a freedom they have always been denied. We work with politicians of all parties, and also with other NGOs and campaign groups, both national and international, towards this aim.
    We have no religious, party-political or corporate affliations, and we are determinedly non-violent. Our funding comes from donations, the sale of merchandise, public fundraising events and occasional small grants from charitable foundations. We are entirely independent, and nobody at the campaign is paid for their work.

Friday, 11 December, 6 - 8pm - West Papua Flotilla Films

Saturday, 12 December, 2 - 4pm - Mt. Carstensz (Namangkawi) Forum

Sunday, 13 December, 2 - 4pm - West Papua Rent Collective Christmas Party

To stay up to date with the latest on the Sampari exhibition, like previewing the art of some of our fabulous exhibiting artists visit the Sampari exhibition Facebook page.

Free West Papua Campaign Australia

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
